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Saturday, July 11, 2009

register course's week

in UNIMAS,we have 2 weeks to register all of our course
but the 1st 3days is for the 3rd,4th n 5th years student to do so.....
2nd years student are after those following days............

me and my friend are all very panic and nervous because we do not know what courses are suitable for us,but the most important things are some course's kuota are already fully booked by all those senior,so we still left a few choice to choose......

so until my turn,i only manage to get (1 generik and 1 elektif course),which are finance and English(real world)

this sem i got a horrible timetable because i need to wake up at 8am everyday..........(i mention again,is everyday oh,mon~fri),my timetable is really pack man

this sem i really need to kambateh more for my study,i'm so afraid finance now!!!!!!!
is it hard????

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