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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Boring Life

Why all of my friends start working????No people can accompany go out to play, quite boring sometimes, does money really meant to all of u??
Why don you all appreciate this holidays as a give to you all to rest and relax awhile, since we keep fighting for our studies over the 6 months.
But i understand that sitting at house is very wasting times especially just watching movies or dramas...But what can do??

I really need to find something useful to do during this holidays....

Reading ?



Watching Movie?

Or what????


*nA*Na* said... also same as u frenz start work me now almost become zai nv dy...coz no 1date me out play lo...make me become laz to go out dy...haha

christine said...

haha erm same same, no people date me out too...i scared i will become a fat mui after holidays cause keep eat haha

christine said...

thanks, i will write more good articles